Hugh Murray 1825 to 1907

Hugh Murray – son of John Murray and Isabella Scott.

Emigrated from Scotland to Australia in June 1848 and arrived October 1848.

Born 1825

Died 4 May 1907



The Gloucester Advocate Saturday 11 May 1907

Death of Mr. Hugh Murray.

Death (says the ‘ Manning Times”) has again claimed an old and highly respected pioneer of the district, in the person of Mr. H. Murray, of Kimbriki, who passed away on Saturday last at the residence of his son-in-law at Woodside where Mr. and Mrs. Murray had been paying a visit.

Deceased we understand was in his 82nd year, and of late had been failing in health.

Dr. Kelly was in attendance, and everything that careful nursing could accomplish was done.

His sons who resided at a distance were wired for, and numerous relatives were present at the end.

A widow, nine sons, and one daughter, besides many grandchildren and great grandchildren, are left to mourn their loss.

The remains were interred in the Bo Bo cemetery on Sunday, in the presence of a very large gathering —fully 200 being present.

The Rev. S. P. Stewart  officiated, and gave a most appropriate address.


Additional notes extracted from other records:

Appears to have lived for a number of years at Dry Creek – on the Gloucester side of Krambach. [ portion 53 of Parish of Belbora has a date recorded of 12 August 1856.

On 31 July 1855 Hugh Murray of Manning River purchased crown land lot 73 on Khoribakh Creek in the county of Gloucester an area of 44 acres cost 44 pounds – date 12 August 1856.

On 2 April 1873 this property was sold to Robert Easton for 100 pounds, Lot 73 appears to have become portion 53.

When settled at Kimbriki they purchased a property they called Blair Atholl almost opposite Stoney Creek Road turnoff.

Hugh appointed postmaster on 1 February 1875. In 1878 John Allan Murray succeeded Hugh as Postmaster.


Assisted Immigration Passenger List:

Name: Hugh Murray,

Birth Year: about 1826,

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Arrival Date: 9 Oct 1848,

Vessel Name: Castle Eden,

Origin Location: Barking, Essex, England