Son of Archibald and Catherine Murray
Born 12/12/1895
Died 7/12/1944
Married Isabelle Irene Murray in Tinonee in 1920.
The Sydney Morning Herald – Friday 2 November 1917
Pte HUGH JAMES DENHAM MURRAY, Tinonee (second occasion)
The Wingham Chronicle and Manning River Observer Friday 4 April 1919
Kimbriki public school was the centre of attraction on Saturday afternoon, 22nd March, the occasion being a very enthusiastic welcome home and presentation to Private H.J.D. (Denny) Murray, son of Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Murray, of Bo Bo Creek.
A very large and representative gathering of adults and juveniles assembled from all the neighbouring centres — Burrill Creek, Tinonee, Taree, Wingham, Woodside, Nabiac.
Ideal weather prevailed, as befitted the occasion.
In front of the school fluttered majestically a beautiful Union Jack, the flag “that has braved a thousand years the battle and the breeze,” and ever may this symbol of freedom main vailed, as benefitted the occasion.
In place. At the back, in the near distance, that grand old landmark “Kiwarick” like a trustful sentinel, smiled down in silent approbation on the happy scene.
Mr. E. E. Kenny presided, having the guest of the afternoon and his respected parents and other relations alongside him.
In the course of his stirring remarks, the Chairman said he very much appreciated the honour of being asked to preside at such a representative gathering, and particularly the privilege of participating in the function of welcoming home one more of our Australian heroes.
The Australian’s pride in the prowess of his compatriots on the battlefields of Gallipoli, Palestine, France, etc., was unbounded, and justifiably so, and this pride was also shared by men and women of other nations regarding the deeds that have won immortal fame for the Australian troops, so that it was very gratifying to find that, wherever our boys had been referred to, it had been in terms of enthusiastically laudatory as the most ardent Australian could employ.
Personally, his (Mr. Kenny’s) pride in the achievements of the A.I. Forces knew no bounds. Not only had they distinguished themselves on the battlefields by their audacity of attacks, by
their utter disregard of death, by their doggedness, and by their rapidity of advance, but they had won the eternal respect and admiration of the peasantry of France, by their superb gallantry and exemplary behaviour on all occasions. (Applause.)
And it was very pleasing to remember that Private Denny Murray, whom they were honouring that afternoon, was one of the 400,000 Australian heroes, who had volunteered to place their services and very lives at the disposal of their King and country, not only in defence of the Empire, but of all liberty loving nations throughout the world.
Their brave young guest had bravely done his share. Three years ago from 13th August last he enlisted, and was actively engaged in the never to be forgotten conflicts at Pozieres, Fleurs, and Polygon Wood, and he bore tangible and unmistakable evidence in face, arms, and leg, of what he went through — scars that he looked upon with pride.
At Ypres he was buried alive for some considerable time through the collapse of a trench.
However, notwithstanding the strenuous time the young soldier had passed through, happily he has returned safely to his native place with glory.
On behalf of the people of Kimbriki and surroundings he (the Chairman) extended to him a very hearty welcome, and wished him a speedy restoration to good, sound health, and many years of peace and happiness, which he so richly deserved. (Applause.)
Mr. Fred. Richardson also addressed the gathering in spirited and appreciative terms, remarking that he had known their soldier guest from boyhood, and consequently had fully expected he would worthily uphold the honour and fighting capabilities of the Australian soldiers on the respective battlefields.
He was very sorry he was scarred with Hun shrapnel. However, greater love and honour could no man have than to lay down his life for his neighbour. He was very grateful to their young guest, and felt sure he voiced the sentiments of all present in congratulating him on his safe return to his happy parental hearth after his strenuous three years’ military service in defence of the Empire and civilisation.
He extended the same congratulations to the soldier’s parents and hoped Denny would be long spared to enjoy abundance of good things, and the esteem of his friends throughout the district. (Applause.)
At this stage the Chairman, on behalf of the young soldier’s friends of Kimbriki and neighbourhood, presented him with an appropriately designed gold pendant (suitably inscribed), a morocco leather dressing-case with silver plate (also suitably inscribed) attached, and a morocco leather pocket wallet.
In handing over the presents, the Chairman asked Private Murray to accept them, not for their monetary value, or as any recompense for the noble sacrifice he had made but as a very slight token of the esteem in which he was held by his many well-wishers, and trusted he would long, be spared to enjoy the honour of wearing the emblem signifying his participation in the “war of wars,” the usefulness of the dressing case’s contents, and hoped the interior of the pocket wallet would always he kept warm with bank notes wherever his lot may be cast
He then asked for a lady volunteer to pin the pendant on the young soldier’s tunic, when there was a general rush for the coveted honour, which fell to Miss Weekes, amidst general applause.
Private “Denny” on rising to respond, was greeted with deafening cheers, which must have nearly removed the summits of the adjacent hills.
His manly bearing was characteristic of the spirit which prompted him to offer himself for active service.
In calm voice he sincerely thanked them for honouring his parents and himself by attending the function that afternoon; the speakers for their kind, but undeserved remarks regarding himself, as he had only done what was expected of any and every true patriot; for all good wishes expressed, and for their generous and handsome gifts, which, he assured them, he would always cherish on account of the cordial spirit that accompanied them.
He would like to say more, but, overwhelmed as he was by such an unexpected reception, his lips refused to convey the feelings of his heart.
He would sooner he “dealing it out” to the Huns than trying to make a public speech any time.
Needless to say, he felt very glad to be back home again, and, notwithstanding the “trophies of war” which the Huns gave him and which he was not altogether thankful to them for, he would never regret having offered his services for the preservation of his country.
Once more he sincerely thanked them for their attendance and beautiful gifts.
Loud applause and “For Denny’s a Jolly Good Fellow,” followed by three ringing cheers for the young soldier.
All then joined in singing the National and Australian Anthems, and at the call of the Chairman, cheers were given for the King, the parents of the soldier, and sailor lads, and all who so nobly assisted in achieving such a splendid victory.
A hearty vote of thanks, proposed by Mr. Fred Richardson, and carried by acclamation, was accorded Mr. Kenney for presiding.
In acknowledging the vote, Mr. Kenney said it always gave him unbounded pleasure to assist in any direction whatever at such well-deserved functions and be hoped the present one would not be the last in honour of the brave lads who had gone from their midst on military service.
Choice refreshments, provided by the ladies, were then handed round, and, needless to say, justice done ‘hem, after which a few picnic games were indulged in for an hour or so, and as the shades of night had already fallen all in joyous mood wended their respective ways homeward.
Messrs. Clyde Beatie and Stanley Weekes, organisers of the function, were fully deserving of all the encomiums showered upon them by all present for the efficient manner in which they carried out all the arrangements in connection with the function. They made a special trip to Taree in order to purchase the presents which were procured at Mr F. J. Storm’s well known jewellery establishment.
The Northern Champion-Saturday 27 March 1920
A wedding was celebrated on Wednesday, 10 March, at the Presbyterian Church, Tinonee, when Isabel Irene (Bell) daughter of Mr and Mrs James Kennedy, of Comboyne, was married to Hugh James Denham (Denny), son of Mr and Mrs Archie Murray, of the Bo Bo.
The Rev. S. P. Stewart, officiated.
There was a large number of friends of the bride present.
The bride was given away by her father, and was attired in cream silk onduile trimmed with fringe and vet; and she carried a bouquet of mandovillas and asparagus fern.
Miss. Thelma Kennedy (cousin of the bride) was bridesmaid, wearing a pretty frock of white voile with, a picturesque hat to match; her bouquet being of pink roses and asparagus.
The bridegroom, who saw a great deal of active service, was supported by his brother, Arthur (late A.I.F., and now of Sydney.)
After the ceremony the happy couple left on their honeymoon bound for Port Macquarie.
The brides travelling dress was of mole crepe-de-chine with hat to match.
A large number of friends gathered around the motor car and as it moved off were given three hearty cheers in true Australian fashion.
Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales Friday 7 June 1929
Land District of Taree; Manning Shire.
Parish Tinonee, county Gloucester; portion 268 of 30 acres 2 roods 20 perches, added under section 164 to H.F. 1919-8, held by Hugh James Denham Murray; capital value of added area, £1 2s. 6d. per acre; annual rent of added area, 17s. 3d.; new area of the holding, 695 acres 1 rood 20 perches; future annual payment, £19 11s. 2d. [Sales 1929-10,083]
Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales Friday 2 Feb 1934
The portion of the General Cemetery at Tinonee, dedicated 6th December, 1867, set apart for Presbyterian Burial Ground:—Messrs. William Gollan, Thomas Middlemiss and Hugh James Denham Murray. P. 34-285.
The Northern Champion – Wednesday 28 June 1944
Farewell to Mr. and Mrs. Denny Murray
Recently a happy evening was spent in the Protestant Hall, Taree, when the local Free Presbyterian congregation farewelled Mr and Mrs H. J. D. (Denny) Murray and family.
The proceedings began with games and singing which were continued until supper was served then Rev. M.C. Ramsay speaking of the purpose of the gathering, said that Mr Murray had served in the Great War and at the beginning of the present war had offered his services again and served for a considerable period until, on account of ill-health, he was discharged.
Mrs Murray had nobly supported her husband in these sacrifices. Their guests were about to return their old home near Tinonee, where they, would be associated once again with the congregation there.
Representatives of the congregation and Sabbath school then spoke extending best wishes to Mr and Mrs Murray and family.
The minister on behalf- of the congregation, handed to Mr and Mrs Murray a Bible suitably inscribed and to May, Ted and Nancye suitable gifts.
For Archie, who is on active service, there was handed to his parents a gift of money.
The presence of’ a number of Sydney friends contributed to the success of the gathering, which was a particularly happy one.
The Northern Champion – Saturday 9 December 1944
A soldier of two wars, Mr. Hugh James Denham (”Denny”) Murray, of Tinonee. passed away in the MRD Hospital at about 3 pm on Thursday, aged 49 years.
He was a son of the late Mr and Mrs. Archibald Murray, of Bo Bo, and was born at that centre 49 years ago.
Shortly after the outbreak of the last war he enlisted in the AIF and served overseas until the cessation of hostilities.
On returning to the Manning he went on to his farm near Tinonee, and shortly afterwards was married to Miss Isabel Kennedy, a daughter of Mr and Mrs James Kennedy, of Comboyne.
In the intervening years between the two world wars he devoted himself to his farm, but following the entry of Japan into the war he again felt the call of duty, and enlisted in a Garrison Battalion, serving at Newcastle and Grafton.
However, ill-health interrupted his service and early last year he received his discharge for medical reasons.
Subsequently he spent seven weeks in hospital, and was also under medical treatment, and was finally compelled to enter hospital five weeks ago. Mr. Murray, although quiet and unassuming in his manner, was very popular with all sections of the community.
In earlier life he was a keen tennis player, and also belonged to the Oddfellows Lodge.
In addition to the widow he is survived by four children, viz., Pte Archibald Murray (recently returned from New Guinea); Edwin (employed at the Taree Case Mills); Mae and Nancye (at home).
Three brothers also survive him, namely Messrs Edwin and Alex. Lionel (Don) Murray, of Taree, and Leonard Murray (Burrell Creek).
Two brothers and two sisters predeceased him — Duncan and Arthur (Tinonee), Mrs John J. Milligan (Hillview, Tinonee), and Mrs Herbert Mudford (Tinonee).
At 2 pm on Friday a service was conducted at the Free Presbyterian Church, Tinonee, after which the remains were laid to rest in the Tinonee cemetery.
Rev. M. C. Ramsay conducted the services at the church and graveside, and Mr. W. T. Howard was the undertaker.
The Manning River Times and Advocate for the Northern Districts of New South Wales – Wednesday 20 December 1944
In the Supreme Court of New South Wales. Probate Jurisdiction. In the Will of HUGH JAMES DENHAM MURRAY late of Tinonee in the State of New South Wales, Farmer deceased. APPLICATION will he made after fourteen days from the publication hereof that Probate of the last Will and Testament dated the twenty-first day of January one thousand nine hundred and thirty two of the abovenamed deceased may be granted to ISABELLA IRENE MURRAY the executrix named in His said Will AND all notices may be served at the undermentioned address. All Creditors in the Estate of the deceased are hereby required (send in particulars of their claims to the undersigned.. — L. O. MARTIN & SONS, Proctors for the Executrix, 347 Victoria Street, Taree. Agents: MARTIN & LAMPORT, 129 Pitt Street, Sydney.
The Wingham Chronicle and Manning River Observer Friday 26 January 1945
The Late H.J.D. Murray
An Appreciation, by K.B.D.
It was with great sorrow that I read of the passing of Denny Murray, and, having been a neighbour and friend of the deceased for 20 years, I feel that I must pen these lines of appreciation for such a beautiful life.
The passing of the late Denny Murray has left a gap in the community of the Tinonee district, which will be hard to fill.
Born of deeply religious parents, Denny followed earnestly and diligently in their footsteps.
Upright and honest in all his dealings with his fellow men, kindly of nature, beloved by little children, and endeared to his many friends, Denny will be sadly missed— truly a man of God, and one of nature’s gentlemen.
Denny, we are going to miss you, but to have known you and have had you for a friend is an honour and an inspiration.
Vale, dear friend.